Deep tissue massage therapy focuses on the layers of muscles and fascia deeper within the body. It uses finger pressure and slow strokes to help heal scar tissue and lessen arthritis symptoms. It facilitates the movement of toxins from the body and helps stretch deep, twisted muscle masses.
Benefits of Deep tissue massage can help to alleviate chronic pain, reduce stress, and improve posture. It is also used to break up scar tissue, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation. By increasing blood flow and oxygen to the affected area, deep tissue massage helps to reduce tension and pain.
Cancellation Policy
You can cancel your bookings up to 12 hours in advance online or via our phone/whatsapp.
If you are late and your slot is still open/available, you can still attend the class. Otherwise, for cancellations made with less than 12 hours’ notice or if you do not turn up for your appointment, you will be charged the full appointment fee.
Please always check-in at the front desk before your class, to confirm your booking.